March 22, 2020

Repost: 2020

First, I apologize for not getting to my blog last week.  So much going on right now--with this virus and work and life, I just didn't get it done.  I hope everyone stays well, washes hands, sanitizes, gets plenty of rest, eats properly--has enough of everything.  To my friend Jan who is being sent home as one of those who is able to work from home and told me if I heard of a murder on her street--I love you and I have bail money.  

On top of that, I didnt have a person to fill the Hawaii spot last week and didnt have time to pull something together.  This week, I'll just run this repost of Idaho!  A great author, Wendi Petzler, wrote this for the blog several years ago so check it out.  
Also, next week I've got talent from Illinois headed your direction!  It's a great article and you'll enjoy it.  
Thanks for stopping by, take care of yourselves and your families! 

Wendi Petzler of The Gem State-Idaho

 As the 13th largest state in the US, Idaho produces 72 types of precious stones.  Some of these stones can be found nowhere else in the world which si why our great state is known as The Gem State.
And of course, there’s those amazing potatoes, a staple in most everyone kitchen pantry. 
From the populated capital of Boise to the smallest communities, Idaho boasts the second lowest cost of living in the US making it, when added to the culture, history, scenery and sense of community, a great place to live and visit.
For more information on Idaho, visit and
With a very active imagination, I’ve been writing since I was a teen and finally got off my tush to make my dreams come true.  New Concepts Publishing took me into their family and I am grateful to Andrea DePasture for believing in me.  I like to shake up the genres and love writing combinations of historical, fantasy and vamps. 
Product of a book loving mother who got me hooked on reading at the early age of three, I quickly decided I wanted to write my own. As I said, you can find my hand in several genres, and currently released is the Borne Vampire series.  I love meeting readers and other writers, so please feel free to e-mail me at
Allow me to whisk you away on grand adventures and places where happily ever-afters really do come true.
DesireAdventureWelcome to my world ...

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