A red-tailed hawk flies across a woodland,
unaware of the political boundaries that during the Civil War created a state
in the shape of a frying pan with two handles. West Virginia’s visible landscape
offers shrouds of thick forest, winding rivers, fields of corn, coal excavation
and other industrial sites, a few cityscapes and numerous small towns.

So begins Wolf Creek Mountain: Remembering a Vanished
People. This project, co-sponsored by Alderson Main Street, began with my
collection of oral histories and is developing into a narrative. My previous
four books are fiction – three short story collections and a middle-grade
fantasy novel. All of them pay tribute to West Virginia, a land of beauty. And stories.
Like the story
of the woman on Wolf
Creek Mountain
who got so mad at her husband that she took to her bed and never got up again.
She outlived her husband and most of her children.
Like the
story of French, the friendly lion that ran the streets of Alderson until the
town enacted a leash law.
told to me and stories found in books filled my childhood. I grew up in West Virginia on a small
farm surrounded by woodland, in a house framed around a log cabin. It was the
perfect incubator for a writer. As a teen, I’d take paper and pen into the
woods, find a log for a perch and scribble my thoughts. Nature and writing for
me are twined like the decorative potato vines my mother encouraged to wind
around the front porch posts.

motifs frequently find their way into my writing, as in this bit from the short
story collection Buckle Up, Buttercup:
“Crows laughed and gossiped in the high branches of the hemlocks shading the
walking trail.” Here’s a character description from the same book: “She
presented the impression of a dandelion nearly gone to seed, with a head of wild
silvery hair stuck on a skinny stem of a body.” The similarity of Queen Ann’s
Lace to a poisonous plant is one of the key plot elements in my children’s
novel, Jackson vs. Witchy Wanda.
So are the qualities of resiliency, compassion,
humor and hope, traits that show up often in my writing. In fact, for my second
collection of short stories, I added the fictional setting of Hope County
to West Virginia’s
Much of my
writing voice derives from growing up with story telling rich in imagery and
detail. My Aunt Reta said about my grandmother, “Mommy could whip a bear when
she was younger.” In describing one man, she said, “You could use his shoes for
a mirror. He never let a piece of dirt touch him. He went shining all the
time.” He went shining all the time.
How many writers, including me, would love to produce a sentence like that!
my characters do. Twilight Dawn offers this wisdom in The Bingo Cheaters: “ …
maybe a human life can’t be designed as neatly as a quilt. I thought about how
some folks would ask to see samples of my work. I couldn’t just open a trunk
and point to a packed quilt. I’d lift one out, unfold it, shake it a little to
air it out, and spread it on a bed. Then the pattern could be viewed and
appreciated for its beauty.
“Maybe a
life has to completely unfurl before its design truly can be seen.”
Anderson, an award-winning freelance
writer, is the author of four books, published by the Mountain State Press, West Virginia’s oldest literary press, based at the University of Charleston. Her first three books are
short story collections: The Well Ain't Dry Yet, The Bingo Cheaters and Buckle
Up, Buttercup. Her most recent book, Jackson
Vs. Witchy Wanda: Making Kid Soup, is a middle-grade novel.

Belinda teaches creative writing workshops and makes author
presentations at conferences and schools. She works individually with writers,
too, having been selected as a mentor for the Monroe Arts Alliance scholarship
program and a Master Artist working with emerging writers through a grant
program of the West Virginia Division of Culture and History.
Belinda’s web site at www.BelindaAnderson.com
, where you can read a story from her first short story collection.

offers a chance to win a copy of The
Bingo Cheaters. Comment here for your chance to win. Be sure to include
your contact information. Thank you for stopping by!
(Material provided by author. Wildlife Photo Credits to Theresa Winstead
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alderson-Artisans-Gallery/1745176799036052 Photos provided by Greenbrier Valley Visitors Center)
ReplyDeleteI love your photos and charming stories of your West Virginia heritage. Congrats on your accomplishments and latest publication.
Having moved here in 2007 from my New York/New Jersey roots and having lived in many states, I love West Virginia the best! Belinda's writing makes me love it more!
ReplyDeleteYour captivating post and wonderful history and photos are fascinating. Thanks for this interesting feature. Best wishes on your beautiful writing.
ReplyDeleteYour life in West Virginia, the photos and the delightful books all are so special. I enjoyed this most informative background.
ReplyDeleteLove the historical setting of your state. Good luck with your work.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting stories from the area. It is so beautiful. My husband's dad grew up in West Virginia and as a boy, he visited there often. I had never seen it until we were moving here to Nashville about 9 years ago. We drove through the state and stayed a night, gambled a little at a casino, and had a great time. This was early June and it was green and lush, rolling mountains, beautiful rivers like in the pictures here.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I've ever been in W. Virginia. But your stories make me want to visit!
ReplyDeleteI know her books, so I was delighted to learn more about the person behind them! Thanks for interviewing Belinda Anderson.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful description of West Virginia, as well as your writing. I have loved every book of short stories you have written--your talent is delightful and compassionate. You make me want to visit West Virginia, first to see you, and then to see some of the settings featured in this post. Thanks, Belinda!