December 4, 2011

Wisconsin Inspires the Life and Writing of Author Billie A. Williams

I grew up along the upper Michigan and Wisconsin borderline. We moved a lot jumping from one side to the other. I was born in Park Falls, Wisconsin, lived on this side until I was in third grade then we moved to Ironwood Michigan, then Bessemer, then back to Rhinelander, Wisconsin – I like to say I have grass roots and every time the geese fly – North or South --I get wanderlust and ready to move again or at least travel somewhere. I Lived in Bayfield, Colorado a couple years – loved it out there but missed my Wisconsin/Michigan. I’ve always lived in small towns and currently I’m back in Wisconsin about 30 miles from the Upper Michigan borderline.
I am a wife, mother, step-mother, grandmother and great grandmother –sister, aunt, friend and writer – not necessarily in that order.
I am retired but work ‘part’-time. Anyone who started a part time 
job knows that usually means you work more hours than full time with fewer 
benefits and less pay…but I enjoy meeting and interacting with people. Fodder 
for my grist mill/writing as it happens.
I love helping people if I can. If I can do it behind the scenes even 
better, to that end, I donate ¼ of my royalties to various organizations and 
charities that are connected to each of my books in a certain way. My writing 
books for instance, I donate those percentages to the local libraries, my 
young adult book, I donate to the 4-H, two mystery/suspense deal with 
domestic and drug abuse I donate to the local shelter for domestic abuse 
victims. Every book has a place that receives that one quarter – it sometimes 
isn’t a lot, but if I ever get famous---those royalties will mean a great deal.
A good story is because of its great characters – no matter what the plot if the characters aren’t believable and full of life, someone you’d love or love to hate—you have no story - a plot is essential, but characters pull that plot into a good story.
Everything inspires me at one time or another. A sunflower grew and was 
blooming in the crotch of my maple tree – aha story.
My mother said her grandfather used to start every tale he told with the phrase, “When tag was a pub and turkeys chewed tobacco…”
That became fodder for Watch for the Raven--my young adult novel.

Best selling, award winning mystery/suspense author, Billie A. Williams writes fiction, non-fiction and poetry and has won numerous awards for her short/flash fictions stories, essays and poetry.  Over two dozen works by Billie are published in various magazines and novels.  You can find all her work at her website


  1. Wow, I love the fact that you support some causes. I try to support as many as possible.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. Hello from central Wisconsin, Billie! I agree with you, I enjoy a story with good character development and people I care about.

  3. Hi Billie,

    I admire your dedication to helping others through your writing! I also understand your comment about working 'part'-time. I teach high school science part-time, but it feels more like full-time prep with part-time grading! Wishing you the best of luck with your writing and your continued commitment to so many different charities!

  4. Hi, you are one busy person and I bet the wanderlust supports the setting in your stories. Best of luck on your retirement and stories.

  5. You are a wonderful writer and deserve to be famous. Lots of luck with whatever project you are working on now. Keep giving, you get it back double.

  6. I love your grandfather's quote! We all need to pay attention to those gems--who know where they may lead? And good for your for donating to various causes.

  7. My, you have moved around, Billie. You see a lot of the country that way. :)

    It is interesting where story ideas come from. They're all around us, if we take the time to look.

    Nice post.


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